
What is Construction Skills?

Construction Skills is a not-for-profit corporation that provides FREE pre-apprenticeship training and direct entry access to apprenticeship programs jointly sponsored by union affiliates of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York.

What should I expect?

A great program that will prepare you for the rigors of the unionized construction industry. You will be expected to fully comply with the Rules of Conduct for the duration of training.

When does it start?

Construction Skills Youth program serves one cohort of NYC public high school seniors each school year. Applications are available in November and due in January of senior year.

Construction Skills Adult program runs two cycles per year during spring and fall. Candidates must attend an Information and Testing Session to apply.

Accepted candidates will be required to attend an orientation prior to the start of training. All accepted candidates will be notified via email.

What if I don’t like the trade I enter?

Construction Skills provides the opportunity to enter into one apprenticeship program. If you want to change trades or if you are terminated from your apprenticeship program for any reason, you will have to apply to another trade through the general recruitment.

We are committed to helping you achieve your career goals. Our staff and instructors will work closely with you to help you to pursue the opportunity for which you are qualified.

What if I am referred to an apprenticeship program but I am not accepted?

Once you are accepted to the pre-apprenticeship program, Construction Skills asks you to pick 3 trades in which you are interested. If you are not accepted to the apprenticeship program to which you are referred, you will be asked to consider other opportunities for referral.

Am I guaranteed an apprenticeship position once I complete Construction Skills?

Placement is NOT guaranteed. The direct entry privilege simply exempts graduates of Construction Skills from the general recruitment. Our candidates must meet any and all entrance requirements which may include aptitude and/or physical exams, interview, and Substance Abuse Screening (drug test).

How long is the program?

The Construction Skills YOUTH program is conducted over a total of 170 hours. The Construction Skills ADULT program is conducted over a total of 175 hours. See flyer for training details.

What if I don’t know exactly what trades I want to go into?

It is up to you to research available opportunities and to work with staff to determine your eligibility for the opportunity.

How can I jeopardize my standing in the Construction Skills program?

Tardiness and absenteeism will not be tolerated. Failure or refusal to comply with the Rules of Conduct may lead to termination from the program.